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Day #49

Monday, June 12, 2000 

This morning found the crew doing maintenance on the machines and going through a list of things that need to be done before any additional progress can be made.   While Steve Place (the son) and Bob Grimm were busy with changing oil and filters, Steve Place (the father) was preparing to go get items and material from a variety of suppliers in Mankato.  James Haskins, meanwhile, was checking things off his list, with Vickie Stafford and Carl Studer offering up reminders.  

The crew had good news to report in that the line along Patterson Street has been pressure tested.  It held 150 lbs/sq. in. for 2 hours with no faults discovered in the joints.  Some leaking did occur through one gate valve near the tower and inside the City Shop in an overhead line, but overall the test was a major success.  Both a representative of the engineer (Cook, Flatt & Stroebel) and Greg Duryea, Kansas Rural Water Association, were on hand to assist and oversee the test.   The next step in the process is to do a bacteria count in the line, which is one of the things James was preparing to do.  Samples will be sent into the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for testing today or tomorrow.

If everything goes well and KDHE declares the bacteria levels are acceptable, the plan is to fill and pressure test the line serving the entire length of Howe Street by Friday.  

Seen here are the main daily activity centers for downtown Formoso.  From left to right are the bank, Senior Citizens Center and Post Office.

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