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Spaces in Dial-Up Networking Connections

Sometimes members make the mistake of having extra space or spaces in your NCKCN dial-up connection. For example, instead of having a correct username of say "jsmith", it is set like:
"           jsmith", or "j            smith", or "jsmith                          " with an extra space or spaces. (Look at the spaces from the apostrophe in the above example). The installation guide warns about this and other mistakes a number of times. Luckily we take steps of correct these mistakes, (one of the only providers on the planet that do this--a shameless plug we know), but it would be best to correct this as soon as possible. We have to "bounce" your connection to correct this mistake, and might help to eliminate any inconsistancies you might run into. Your account would not work at all if this mistake were on your password, and won’t work  on your email account.

For example:

  • If you have spaces in front of your username, your Dial-Up connection would look like this:

before.gif (5196 bytes)

(Notice the white spaces before the username "joeuser". Simply delete the extra spaces)

  • If you have spaces in your username, your Dial-Up connection would look like this:

during.gif (5188 bytes)

(Notice the white spaces in the username "joeuser". Simply delete the extra spaces)

  • If you have spaces after your username, your Dial-Up connection would look like this:

after.gif (5191 bytes)

(Notice the white spaces after the username "joeuser"and before the vertical cursor. Simply delete the extra spaces)

You can also highlight through your username to double check that there are no spaces before, in, or after your username if that helps.


If you have support or general questions please email us at:
If you have any comments or questions about the NCKCN System, you can reach NCKCN by e-mail at:
This page last updated 01/16/12 01:30:26 PM
©1996-2012 North Central Kansas Community Network